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  • Writer's pictureTasya Danashta

Week 6 - Halfway There.

Updated: May 20, 2020

Honestly, this doesn't feel like the 6th week, time flies so fast from the 3 months of interning. I'm halfway there towards the end and completing the internship with MetR Design. During the week there are a few changes to the 3D. Since the location of Gaharu (the site) has an exhaust built there as well as the ceiling framing, so I had to include to the SketchUp so there are a few space changes and other adjustments.

I also completed the detailed drawings of lower cabinets, upper cabinets, and the hanging decoration on the pantry area. It doesn't take up that much time and it's actually really fun too, doing technical drawings, I just have to make sure that there's nothing missed out.

From last week's work "alternatives". I made the 4 different choices for the ceiling color combinations. Mr. Prama informed me that he was leaning towards all white ceiling (white - white). So I was told to do a few changes, changing all the black metal into white and including the columns.

The client's wants are all that matters eventually. So, I was told by Mr. Prama that the final decision will be the all-black ceiling after a long discussion with the client. From what I've experienced here, as I said on the previous blog, the client was given a few alternatives which make them know how the interior will look and feel more comfortable in deciding which is better. That is one of the strengths that I see from the company, consistency of giving choices as well as they really took the time discussing with the client regarding the full look of the interior to respect and satisfy their decisions. Stay tune for more insights in 'About the Company' blog.

Towards the end of the week, I was told to do more about the lighting. I made RCP (Reflected Ceiling Plan) and Lighting Schedule which is still in progress. Stay tune more about lighting and how it changes the ambiance in space in next week's blog!


Mr. Prama suddenly asked my account number and I was told that it's for monthly remuneration. I'm really surprised as I was working at home, so I never thought... But I'm really happy as I expect nothing so I appreciate everything.

– Tasya Danashta

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