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  • Writer's pictureTasya Danashta

Happy to help.

I was asked to contribute to helping my high school friend, who is now a student at Binus University (Universitas Bina Nusantara) taking film making major. As he is the production designer and director for the film, he asked me to help him design the production design pitching set that he planned to shoot in which is a living room and hallway in public school. He asked me on Monday, 4th May 2020. On Tuesday afternoon I was told that his submission was at 12 a.m! I was shocked and instantly panicked but it was still my internship working hours. So after 6, I quickly ate dinner and continue with the design of the living room and hallway. I managed to do it all in 4.5 hours, thankfully. It may not have been the best but with the given short period of time and requirements, I am quite satisfied and proud! :)


This was initially the idea of the floorplan layout with complete measurements and the concept for the whole living room, he wanted it to be a simple living room with a dining table. It's a bit confusing to see the layout as it wasn't laid out very sufficiently but I had to improvise with the given space and area needs of in the space.

Design Concept.

So this is the concept that I proposed. A minimalist - modern living room with subtle luxury that creates coziness and elegance within the space.

Floorplan & Room Design.

The front door enters from the right, entering with a welcome foyer and goes to the dining table then to the actual living room. It gives a clearer and more spacious circulation from the entrance.



He wanted the hallway of the public school set to be a simple school with pastel colors. The dimension and all of the idea was all up to me which is more confusing, so what I did was using the pictures that he sent as my full reference.

Since there were no requirements for the size of the hallway, I decided the size according to my hunch. I designed an outdoor area with a huge tree with benches under it and the hallway semi-outdoor area with louver door to each classroom, cork board for posters & announcements, along with potted plants to freshen up space more and balance it to the outdoor.

I was hesitant at first. As looking back, I helped some of my friends and I ended up being too stressed as it was kinda clashing with my college assessments (although I finished everything on time). I even broke down at some point with the pressure, my sleep time got replaced by doing the work and there are just so many things going on at that time. But at the end of the day, despite it all I wouldn't miss out the chance of helping, I'm glad I did and really am happy to help.

– Tasya Danashta

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